

R (P)MON P Disponible


Auteur(s) : Richard Montanari
Edition : Le Cherche Midi éditeur2007
ISBN :2-7491-0788-1
Format : 22 cm 482 p.

Public : Tout public

Autres auteurs :
Richard Montanari [Auteur]
Fabrice Pointeau [Traducteur]

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titre:   Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho

Auteur(s):   Robert Phillip Kolker,  

Année de publication:   2004

Edition(s):   Oxford University Press, USA

Nombre de pages:   273

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho: A Casebook 'brings together critical essays on this influential and teachable film. The essays not only elaborate on the complexities of the film, but represent the spectrum of film criticism, including an analysis of its music and close readings illustrated by many stills from the film.

titre:   The Psycho Records

Auteur(s):   Laurence A. Rickels,  

Année de publication:   2016-09-06

Edition(s):   Columbia University Press

Nombre de pages:   243

?The Psycho Records follows the influence of the primal shower scene within subsequent slasher and splatter films. American soldiers returning from World War II were called "psychos" if they exhibited mental illness. Robert Bloch and Alfred Hitchcock turned the term into a catch-all phrase for a range of psychotic and psychopathic symptoms or dispositions. They transferred a war disorder to the American heartland. Drawing on his experience with German film, Hitchcock packed inside his shower stall the essence of schauer, the German cognate meaning "horror." Later serial horror film production has post-traumatically flashed back to Hitchcock's shower scene. In the end, though, this book argues the effect is therapeutically finite. This extensive case study summons the genealogical readings of philosopher and psychoanalyst Laurence Rickels. The book opens not with another reading of Hitchcock's 1960 film but with an evaluation of various updates to vampirism over the years. It concludes with a close look at the rise of demonic and infernal tendencies in horror movies since the 1990s and the problem of the psycho as our most uncanny double in close quarters.

titre:   Psycho-oncology

Auteur(s):   Jimmie C. Holland,  

Année de publication:   2015

Edition(s):   Oxford University Press, USA

Nombre de pages:   809

Originally published by Oxford in 1998, Psycho-Oncology was the first comprehensive text in the field and remains the gold standard today. Edited by a team of leading experts in psycho-oncology, spearheaded by Dr. Jimmie C. Holland, the founder of the field, the text reflects the interdisciplinary nature and global reach of this growing field. Thoroughly updated and developed in collaboration with the American Psychosocial Society and the International Psycho-oncology Society, the third edition is a current, comprehensive reference for psychiatrists, psychologists, oncologists, hospice workers, and social workers seeking to understand and manage the psychological issues involved in the care of persons with cancer and the psychological, social, and behavioral factors that contribute to cancer risk and survival. New to this edition are chapters on gender-based and geriatric issues and expanded coverage of underserved populations, community based programs, and caregiver training and education.

titre:   Psycho Conceptual Re - Programming (PCRP)

Auteur(s):   Dr V Sajikumar,  

Année de publication:  

Edition(s):   Dr V Sajikumar

Nombre de pages:   15

Psycho Conceptual Re Programming (PCRP) is an Innovative New Proven Psychological Therapic System capable to help in Reducing & Healing a large number of Psychological and Psycho - Somatic disorders and difficulties. This book introduces different PCRP system and related Technics and Methods for application

titre:   The Psycho Within

Auteur(s):   Peggie Hatten,  

Année de publication:   2018-03-02

Edition(s):   Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Nombre de pages:   70

Tabia Keonna Woolfork died at the hands of the man who swore to love and protect her through thick and thin. In the end, a lapse in judgment by her husband would lead to her demise. Murder/suicide is what it's called, domestic violence at its worst. Did she see it coming? Did her life flash before her eyes? In that exact moment, so many unanswered questions. Life without a spiritual connection can lead to death by deception, love dressed up in a mind so captivated by its wants and needs that it dictates the outcome of death, murder, suicide, an unsuspecting wife, struck down in her youth, who never saw it coming. The psycho within is silent until the voices within speak.

titre:   Psycho-Analytic Explorations

Auteur(s):   Donald W. Winnicott,  

Année de publication:   2018-05-08

Edition(s):   Routledge

Nombre de pages:   619

This volume contains ninety-two works by this renowned writer, theoretician, and clinician. Includes critiques of Melanie Klein's ideas and insights into the works of other leading psychoanalysts, and thoughts on such concepts as play in the analytic situation, the fate of the transitional object, regression in psychoanalysis, and the use of silence in psychotherapy.

titre:   Selected Contributions to Psycho-Analysis

Auteur(s):   John Rickman,  

Année de publication:   2018-05-01

Edition(s):   Routledge

Nombre de pages:   283

A most welcome re-issue of John Rickman's classic collection of papers, with a preface by Pearl King, to partner her edited volume, No Ordinary Psychoanalyst: The Exceptional Contributions of John Rickman, also published by Karnac.

titre:   Psycho in the Shower

Auteur(s):   Philip J. Skerry,  

Année de publication:   2009-04-01

Edition(s):   A&C Black

Nombre de pages:   335

This is a brilliant study of one scene in one movie: the shower scene from Psycho. Every other chapter is an extended interview with someone who worked on the original film, or on Gus van Sant's remake from a few years ago. The non-interview chapters take various approaches to film criticism, and refer often to the author and his writing of this book. It's lightly done, but compelling and often very entertaining.

titre:   New Directions in Psycho-Analysis

Auteur(s):   Paula Heimann,  
Melanie Klein,  
R. E. Money-Kyrle,  
Melanie Klein Trust,  

Année de publication:   2013-10-11

Edition(s):   Routledge

Nombre de pages:   553

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1955 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

titre:   Psycho Spiritual Healing

Auteur(s):   Guy Needler,  

Année de publication:   2021-03-17

Edition(s):   Ozark Mountain Publishing

Nombre de pages:   295

There are many illnesses, physical diseases and mental dysfunctions that simply cannot be cured by modern medicine or psychological techniques and remain misunderstood or un-treatable. Unfortunately this results in a poor prognosis for the quality of life of sufferer, whose life can be intolerable . What however, if the plethora of misunderstood and un-treatable issues could be healed with techniques beyond physical science, by working on the energetic and spiritual levels Wouldn’t that be a miracle! In this book the reader will understand the true underlying reasons for illness, disease and mental health issues and heal them with the use of the following techniques: Chelation (basic energy balancing) Chakra and Organ reconstruction Past life healing and Psychic surgery Energy template reconstruction Astral entity removal and Astral mucus clearing Virus clearing Spine cleansing Brain balancing Hara line healing Psycho-Spiritual re-programming where deep routed psychological issues, habits and their physical manifestations are corrected and healed.

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